
1 Sep | Amanda Fitzsimmons | No Comments

25 Perfectly Sweet Wedding Ring Tattoo Ideas

As tattoos become ever more mainstream (much to the chagrin of my very Catholic family), I am seeing more and more couples commemorating their nuptials with permanent ink, AKA the wedding ring tattoo. (Maybe we can blame it on Bey and Jay? They have matching roman numeral IV tats on their ring fingers.) But since …


1 Sep | Amanda Fitzsimmons | No Comments

APW Happy Hour

Hey APW! How was your week? My son started Transitional Kindergarten (aka public school) this week, which involved a lot of crying on my part… though he’s settling in just fine. At work though, things were blessedly slow. Lots of checking things off our to-do lists, a little DIY Tutorial shoot, but mostly just the …


1 Sep | Amanda Fitzsimmons | No Comments

Should We Hire a Bouncer to Keep Out Wedding Crashers?

Q: My fiancé and I both grew up in a church where our parents have lots of friends and there were all sorts of people that helped raise us or contributed to our childhoods in some way. The number of people that love us is large, but obviously, we can’t invite them all to the …


1 Sep | Amanda Fitzsimmons | No Comments

My Cousin Just Fat Shamed Me over a Bridesmaid Dress

Q: Dear Amy, My cousin just got engaged and I could not be happier for her. She’s my best friend, and within a few days of being engaged, has already asked me to be her maid of honor. I want to preface the rest of this by saying that despite our friendship, we couldn’t be …


Wedding Warriors TC

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