Hey APW!
As you know, I spent basically all of last year being a surrogate wedding planner to all my best people (that’s me dancing at my BFF’s wedding above). And man, did it ever remind me a) how frustrating it can be to find wedding vendors outside of major metropolitan areas and b) how important it is to find your people. Which is why every time I go to an industry event, I meet people who I know should be working with APW readers, and I’m like, “Why aren’t you advertising with us?!” But I also get that not everyone has the money for a big advertising budget, and we don’t think that should stop you guys from having access to incredible vendors. (Because y’all, we want to be hooking you up with bakers and makeup artists and all of the other service industry professionals who you love but who probably don’t have a website of their own.)
That’s why last year we built a brand new
directory, complete with free listings. And that’s why we’re having a big sale from now until Valentine’s Day. We’re offering $75 OFF ANY PAID VENDOR DIRECTORY LISTING when you use the code APWSALE2018 at checkout. That’s a whole year of advertising for just $275. Our paid listings get lots of perks like a big beautiful portfolio, customer testimonials, and a standalone page on APW. So if you have vendors you worked with and loved (or if you are a vendor, or if your friends are vendors, etc.) send them here to sign up for a listing today. Our goal is that every APW reader, no matter where they are planning a wedding, has a squad full of APW-approved vendors at their backs.
Around The WEb This Week
And now, our links of the week are back! Brought to you by our very own Jareesa!
“When I Was Married, I Was Rich. Then I Got Divorced.” After you read this, check out the entire Opportunity Costs series.
Cue the rage: Janet Yellen, the first woman Fed chair, proved the skeptics wrong and got fired anyway.
Be happy you don’t have this level of drama at your place of work.
This woke kid wrote the realest journal entry ever.
I’m so ready for Black Panther!
If you’re hunting for cosmetics, here’s 9 Brands With Diverse Foundation Ranges.
Unless you’ve been under a rock this week, you’ve probably heard about Larry Nasser and MSU. It hasn’t been a good week for either, as MSU is still billing a victim for sessions where she was assaulted, the NCAA has opened an investigation into the school, and now the school president has resigned. But on the plus side, Judge Rosemarie Aquilina is a total badass.
And here’s your reminder to write down your Twitter password somewhere.
The post Happy Hour appeared first on A Practical Wedding: We’re Your Wedding Planner. Wedding Ideas for Brides, Bridesmaids, Grooms, and More.